If you're after your first permit, there's no place on earth like Belize. In one morning you'll have more shots at tailing permit than you will in a month anywhere else. We're not talking, jumping out of a boat in four feet of water and charging across a muddy bottom trying to keep up with your Mexican guide so you can chuck a crab at a school of fish fifty feet away. Nope. This is the real knee shaking deal. Think small schools of permit actively feeding, tails in the air, grubbing so hard you can hear the coral breaking. You won't land a 20 pound permit here, but you'll land more 5-15 pound fish than anywhere on the planet. No question. The food and lodging on the other hand, leaves a lot to be desired. This is not the trip to take your wife on unless you're hoping for a divorce. It's a trip you take with your equally sick pal that can't ever seem to find the right permit crab or relax in the back of the boat. There's a good deal of wading here, but generally speaking the bottom where permit are feeding is so coral crunchy that's it's less effective. While not for the faint of heart, this trip is amazing and relatively easy to get to from the US. But please, more than anywhere else, call us first as it's an incredibly tide sensitive fishery...not to mention not entirely filled with great outfitters.