Travel Advice
Why should you book through Sweetwater Travel? Well because long ago we learned that honesty was better than a sold trip. Undersell and always outperform expectations. Our travel experts have been guides for longer than anyone in the business and they know fishing like no one in the business. They are, first and foremost, guides and travel experts only when the season's are done. Scott Schumacher or Pat Vermillion are great examples. Both have been guiding in Alaska non stop since the eighties. When it comes to Alaska, they'll give you the straight scoop; not what they have read in brochures but rather what they have learned in the field.The Vermillions, are all fluent in Spanish and or Portuguese, so when you are talking about heading to Brazil for peacock bass as an example, know that they were there fishing and exploring well before commercial operations were set up. Together with Luis Brown and Garett Vene Klassen, they pioneered, most of the great peacock rivers in the Brazilian states of Roraima and Amazonas. That includes famous rivers like the Marie, Agua Boa, Tapera, Araca, Xeruini. The entire time, running camps based out of Coleman tents for months at a time. In 2017, our Brazil ops are entirely different. Air conditioning, pools...etc., but the knowledge and experiences accrued in these early years, 1990-2000 still rank as some of the greatest exploratory trips ever taken.
The point is our guides provide travel advice based on days in the field. We don't live in Iowa and man phones. We live to fish and will sell you trips that will always make you appreciate our advice as they say in the booking business at no cost to you. Yup. Just the outfitter pays a commission. And we're outfitters so appreciate that aspect of the client/booking agent better than anyone out there.